Rekhachithram (2025) Movie Filmy4Wap XYZ

The film Rekhachithram was released on 9 Jan 2025 which was made in direction of Jofin T. Chacko. With genres like Thriller, Mystery, it has attracted audiences worldwide. Featuring Zarin Shihab, Anaswara Rajan, Asif Ali, Manoj K Jayan, the movie showcases top performances throughout its 2h 19m.

Film Title: Rekhachithram
Runtime: 2h 19m
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Directed by: Jofin T. Chacko
Written by: John Manthrickal
Release Date: 9 Jan 2025
Rating: 7/10
Starring: Asif Ali, Anaswara Rajan, Manoj K Jayan

Rekhachithram Movie Filmy4Wap

The cast includes talents like Asif Ali, who plays the character Vivek Gopinath, alongside Anaswara Rajan, Zarin Shihab, Bhama Arun, Asif Ali, Manoj K Jayan. Supported by Anaswara Rajan, Bhama Arun, the performances are engaging and emotional.


Name Character
Zarin Shihab
Nishanth Sagar
Asif Ali Vivek Gopinath
Anaswara Rajan
Bhama Arun
Manoj K Jayan
Megha Thomas

Produced by Kavya Film Company, Aan Mega Media with a budget of $2,000,000, the film has received a solid 7/10. Set in India, it is now available in Malayalam for fans of Mystery, Thriller.


Rekhachithram Movie Filmy4WapRekhachithram Movie Filmy4WapRekhachithram Movie Filmy4Wap

Rekhachithram Movie Filmy4Wap


Rekhachithram dives into themes of Mystery, Thriller, offering a gripping storyline. With meticulous direction by Jofin T. Chacko, every scene is brought to life by actors like Asif, Anaswara, Zarin, Bhama, Manoj.

Despite its Released, the movie has a 21.833 score and over 1000+ votes. The runtime of 2h 19m is well-paced to keep audiences hooked, making it a must-watch in Malayalam.


The film Rekhachithram, released on 9 Jan 2025, has drawn immense attention with a popularity score of 21.833. With a runtime of 2h 19m, it features stellar performances by Asif Ali, Anaswara Rajan, Manoj K Jayan, including Asif Ali as Vivek Gopinath.

Directed by Jofin T. Chacko, it captures the essence of Mystery, Thriller with stories that connect globally. Produced by Venu Kunnappilly and brought to life by Kavya Film Company, Aan Mega Media, the movie has surpassed expectations with over 1000+ votes. Available in Malayalam and filmed in India, this Thriller, Mystery masterpiece is a must-watch.


Who performs in Rekhachithram?

The main roles are played by Anaswara Rajan, Bhama Arun and other remarkable actors like Asif Ali, Anaswara Rajan, Manoj K Jayan.

How long is the Rekhachithram?

The show has run time of 139 minutes.

Who had directed Rekhachithram?

Jofin T. Chacko has completed the direction for this.

What kind of movie is Rekhachithram?

The film falls under Mystery, Thriller.

Is Rekhachithram really popular?

Yes, it has popularity score of 21.833 and got ratings of 7/10 out of 10 from viewers.